The mission of Brookwood’s Family Ministry is to provide a safe and secure environment in which children and students can hear and respond to the Gospel and to provide resources and encouragement to parents as they seek to fulfill their role as the primary disciple-makers of their children.
Sundays | 9:30AM & 11:00AM
We offer a nursery for children ages birth through 3 years so that parents can attend a Sunday School Class and Morning Worship. Of course, parents are welcome to bring their children into our service if they prefer.
Sunday School
Sundays | 9:30AM
We offer Sunday School classes for children ages 4 through 5th grade. These groups utilize LifeWay’s “Gospel Project for Kids” curriculum. Using age appropriate lessons, our leaders help children understand the Big Picture of God’s Story–the story of redemption through Jesus Christ.
Children’s Church
Sundays | 11:00AM Worship Hour
During the worship hour, children in Pre-K through 3rd Grade are dismissed from service to attend Children’s Church where they receive an age appropriate Bible lesson pointing them to the Gospel of Jesus Christ.
Wednesdays | 6:30–7:30PM
Children in grades 1st–5th are invited to join us as we learn about God, prayer, giving, serving others, and about missionaries all over the world. We participate in a number of projects such as collecting items for the Second Chance Mission of Hope, making cards for deployed Military members, filling shoeboxes for Operation Christmas Child, and so much more!
First Time Visitors
If it is your first time visiting with Brookwood, we encourage you to come a few minutes early so that you can fill out a family information card. This will allow us to make sure we have all of your contact information should we need to reach you while your child is in nursery or children’s church. The information card also has a place for you to list any allergies or special needs that your child may have.
We have check-in and registration desks as you walk into the sanctuary from the main doors on Henderson Drive, as well as in the Children’s Ministry hallway. A volunteer will be at both locations to welcome you and show you where to go.
Each child will be given a sticker which includes their name, any allergy information, and a child security code. Parents will receive a sticker with the same code to show our volunteers when they pick up their child. If a volunteer needs to reach a parent during service, they will send a text message through our check-in system.
Our classrooms are divided by age or grade and range from infants through 5th grade. For children under the age of 4, class schedules include a lesson, play time, and a snack. We have volunteers ready to welcome your child up to 15 minutes prior to the start of Sunday School and Worship. All of our volunteers are trained and have had a background check.
For the 11:00 worship hour, Children ages 4 and up will stay with parents throughout the first half of the service. They will be dismissed to go to children’s church right before the message. Our volunteers will lead your child to the correct class, or you are welcome to walk them yourselves.
There is also a women’s lounge and a men’s lounge with changing tables in the foyer of the sanctuary. The service can still be heard through speakers in these areas. Feel free to reach out to our Children’s Ministry Coordinator, Susie Smith, at susie@brookwood.cc with any questions or concerns.